Claude Rhyfelwr

A knight from a millenium before. From what was.


Age - In Death: 43 | In Total: 1,143
Gender - Cis Male
Pronouns - He/him
Skin color - Current: Blueish gray | Past: white
Hair color - Jet black
Eye color - chocolate brown
Height - 7 fulms
Build - Muscular and broad
Scent - Pine, Earthy, Old leather
Scars - many scars from various battles on his face and body, some from the time of death

Positive Traits - dedicated and hard-working, logical, well-read and studiousNeutral Traits - solemn, extremely detail-orientated, private, formal/poshNegative Traits - Unhealthy biases and indoctrinated (that he is trying to overcome), mistrusting upfront, lost sense of time

Skills - melee combat, strategizing, communication, drawing/sketching

Likes - reading, board games, snowDislikes - feeling weak, being lied to, feeling unintelligent


Claude was born to a loving family in a very unstable time, being forced to move many times by the Hyuran expansion. In an attempt to keep their young son hopeful, they began to be very strict on the teachings of Halone. He loved every word they taught him, taking everything to heart. It fueled him. As he was around 5 years old, they would bring him to large events with the rest of the church, where King Thordan I would speak. This man spoke with the power of The Fury, as if he was personally speaking with her. Thordan would continue to inspire him for the rest of his life.

Teenage and Early Adulthood

As a younger man he would meet outsiders with differing opinions. They disgusted him, how could they not love The Fury as much as he? How dare they. He would continue to follow King Thordan I closely, almost as if he was a deity himself. The King would inspire him with so much anger and hatred towards anyone who thought different than he.The inspired man wanted to show The Fury how much he followed in her every word. He enlisted in the Elezen military, finding his religion enough to fight over, wishing to expand and show others the love of Halone. Claude would quickly climb up the ranks with his natural muscular stature, as well as his elaborate battle plans. Winning many battles against all sorts of beings over the years. Proudly collecting his battle wounds and the trust of ones beside and below him.

Adulthood and Death

In just a few years time, Claude had clawed, fought, and climbed to get as high of rank as he could. Getting all the way up to a commander. His previous battles were a cakewalk to him, he had a natural talent for strategizing and executing plans as well as his soldiers having great trust in him.Thus, The King chose him personally to be in his chosen Knights Twelve. This was the highest honor he could have ever dreamed of. Unknown to the man, it would be to his own detriment. Slowly over time Claude felt himself increasingly more involved with worship of The Fury overtime. The King and his knights, including Claude would hold a deep resentment of the dragons. They were more powerful and it went against the Halonic teachings to be passive with them. They craved to be so. Thordan wanted to rule the whole land of Coerthas, in this they devised a plan. The plan was to lure one of the dragons to a hidden location to slay them and get the secret to their power. Their eyes. This plan to steal the eyes of Ratatoskr would be his last battle, unknown to him at this time.It was successful without flaw. Slaughtering the dragon with ease with the amount of outnumbering, Thordan absorbed the power on the spot. As soon as the brother of the dragon they had slain figured out what they did, he would fly into a blind rage. This Great Wyrm would successfully target the knights and The King. They could do almost nothing in this surprise attack, 5 in total killed in revenge. The King, 3 other knights, and Claude. The murder of the King would start the war of Elezen and Dragon. The Dragonsong War.


Claude and his slain brothers were left to the elements and animals. A place rarely traversed. A random young healer just practicing spells out of a book. This person uses a revive spell not thinking anything would happen, and to the youngling, nothing does happen. Claude would awaken, covered in frozen dirt. Spending an unknown amount of time breaking lose. Catching his breath of fresh air. There was not this much snow the last thing he remembered. He has no idea that he was fully dead, thinking he was just passed out for.. hours? Days? Something feels very wrong.

RP Hooks

Searching for answers - possibly could help him learn of places to read of what happened in the past 1000 yearsHis body - see if there is way you could release some of the pain in his body, being frozen for a long time does not feel greatLearning more about the High Houses - Claude could pull a old man thing of "I knew that guy." and tell you the most random story, that you question that person greatly. Be careful with that


This is pretty much just going to be information I could not find a spot somewhere else.

Voice - A mix of Raphael and Halsin from Baldur's Gate 3. Raphael for the accent and deepness of it. Halsin for the slightly grough and gravel to it. Beware of spoilers, Act 1